Living On and Off Campus

Residence Hall 安全

  • Do not allow people you do not know or recognize into your room or on-campus housing. They are able to call 安全 and 安全 to gain access if they lost their key or card.

  • Do not let people follow you through an access door if they seem to be lingering by the door. Refer them to 安全 and 安全.

  • Always lock your door when you are not in the room or you are sleeping, even if you are only leaving for a moment.

  • Do not prop open any exterior doors.

  • If you live on the 1st or 2nd floors remember to lock your windows so that they may not be used to get access to the building. 

  • Report lost or stolen keys/ SPU Cards to 安全 and 安全 immediately.

  • Report any suspicious activity in or around the residence hall to 安全 and 安全.

  • Do not leave your keys, wallets, cash, laptops, or identification out in plain view.

  • 破碎的门, windows or other service requests: If it is an emergency service request on Monday-Friday between 8 am - 5 pm, call (206) 281-2330. For emergencies after hours/weekends, contact 安全 and 安全 at (206) 281-2922. If it is not an emergency then you may submit a service request 在线.

Living Off-Campus

  • Do not leave notes on your door saying you are gone.

  • Put valuables in a safety deposit box or a fire proof safe.

  • If you live in an apartment never let anyone in that you don’t know. Do not “buzz” someone in if they call your apartment and you don’t know them.

  • Never leave a house key outside. 

  • Place objects in your sliding windows/doors so that they cannot be opened freely.

  • Get a secure mailbox to prevent mail theft.

  • Consider buying renters insurance in case of a fire, flooding or an earthquake.

  • If you walk or ride a bike take different routes home. Be sure to leave the outside lights on if you get home late.