Who We Are

SPU的历史研究寻求对世界文化的平衡理解, 探索古代和中世纪西方文明的根源和发展, 追踪西方与世界其他地区的互动, 更深入地探究美国文化, European, and non-Western history. 

Our Mission

The Department of History prepares students for service by studying the past as it relates to the present and to the future; ours is an approach that affirms worthy heritages, 欢迎长期被忽视的声音, applies innovative tools, 与其他研究领域的互动, 并在这个深深分裂和全球交织的世界中培养希望的美德.

Learning Outcomes


  • Engage in wide reading, 深刻的思考,清晰的沟通,赌博十大靠谱软件人类经验的巨大记录.
  • 学习如何发现事实, weigh interpretations, 并得出结论,以便理解现在, 设想替代方案, 并认同未来几代人.
  • 了解人类的故事 在它的许多阶段和维度-古老, medieval and modern; United States, European, non-Western, and global; and the heritage of Christian faith and practice.