
The 音乐 Department offers these minors to students who are not majoring in a music program but who want to compliment their academic major or deepen their personal enrichment: 


A minor in 音乐 and Worship Arts will train you to use your musical gifts — whether as a worship leader, 一个表演者, 一个作曲家, 一个导体, 或者是老师. It will also provide you with advanced study in music theory and literature.


As a 音乐小, you will follow an integrative approach to advancing your musical skills. 你将学习音乐理论, 听觉能力, 还有音乐史, and will participate in context courses that further your knowledge of music, 人, 和文化.


辅修音乐制作, you are prepared for the future of music and audio technology in areas such as film scoring, 生活的声音, 电子游戏计分, 以及电视和电影的声音设计.

You'll also engage in a yearlong sequence of recording classes in which you’ll learn to produce professional level recordings by working in SPU’s high-tech Nickerson Studios. This minor prepares you for podcasting, doing sound in live church services, creating music with MIDI-based software, 和更多的. Transfer students will be able to complete this minor in two years. 

  • Each of these minors requires a minimum 32–30 credits, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • 根据所选辅修科目的不同, 课程包括核心要求, Theological and Historical Foundations, 当代表演实践, 以及集体参与.

Entering and completing a 音乐小

In order to earn a degree, you must complete at least one academic major. SPU encourages students to explore various academic paths, so if you change your mind about a major or minor, or want to include an additional program, 你可以这样做, 如下所述.

Note that the University encourages you to enter your chosen major(s) and minor(s) by the start of your junior year. Students who transfer as juniors and seniors should enter a major within their first two quarters at SPU.

  • To apply to enter the 音乐小, 遵循以下说明.
  • If you are an SPU student with an SPU cumulative GPA of 2.0或更高, 遵循以下说明 to enter a major or minor in this department.
  • Students on academic probation (with an SPU cumulative GPA below 2.0) will not be permitted to enter a new major or minor until they regain good academic standing.
  • The University requires a grade of C- or better in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses. You may repeat an SPU course only once for a higher grade.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, meet with your faculty advisor regularly to discuss your grades, 课程进展, and other indicators of satisfactory academic progress. If your grades or other factors indicate that you may not be able to successfully complete the major or minor, your faculty advisor can work with you to explore options, which may include choosing a different major or minor.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements that are in effect in the SPU 本科目录 for the year you enter the major or minor.


课程计划: 建议课程顺序