
CPE 1502: Electrical and 计算机工程 Fundamentals (1)


This hands-on course introduces students to basic hardware and software platforms commonly used by Electrical Engineers and Computer Engineers.

同类产品: EE 1502 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 3280: Microcontroller System Design (5)


Design of hardware and software for embedded systems using a modern microcontroller. Covers hardware interfacing including memory system design, 中断接口, and use of internal and external peripheral devices. Emphasis is placed on programming of the microcontroller including device drivers, 异常和中断处理, 以及与高级语言的接口. Laboratory exercises require programming and hardware design.

同类产品: EE 3280 属性: 上部分 先决条件: EE 1210: D或更高 AND (EE 3760: D或更高 或CSC 3760: D或更高 或CPE 3760: D或更高) 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 3350: Operating Systems Programming (3)


Introduction to operating systems and systems programming. Surveys systems software; operating system interface and functions; utilities and shell programming; linkers and loaders; translators; and processes, 并发和并发编程.

同类产品: CSC 3350 属性: 上部分 先决条件: CSC 2431: C-或更高 AND (CSC 3750 can be taken concurrently: D or better 或CSC 3760: D或更高 或EE 3760: D或更高 或CPE 3760: D或更高)

CPE 3550: Communication System Analysis (5)


An introduction to principles of modern communication systems with an emphasis on current technological applications. 涵盖诸如传输介质之类的基础知识, 模拟和数字信号技术, 计算机通信, TCP/IP网络架构, data encoding methods and multiplexing mechanisms. Modern communication protocols for networks and radio links are analyzed. High-level issues such as security, encryption, and cellular management are studied.

同类产品: EE 3550 属性: 上部分 先决条件: (EE 2727: D或更高 OR EE 2728: D或更高) AND EE 1210 can be taken concurrently: D or better 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 3760: Computer Organization and Assembly Language (5)


Studies organization and structuring of the major hardware components of computers. Includes mechanics of information transfer and control within a digital computer system. Introduces computer architecture, machine instruction sets and assembly language programming. 通常提供:冬季.

同类产品: Ee 3760, CSC 3760 属性: 上部分 先决条件: (CSC 2330: D或更高 或CSC 2430: D或更高) 和EE 1210: D或更高 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 4211: 计算机工程 Senior Design I (3)


Study of mixed digital and analog system design, including embedded software design. Student teams begin a system level design of a project (a nondisclosure agreement may be required). Students provide detailed schedules for building prototype systems and present periodic progress reports. 在课程中, 学生们制作一份技术说明书, undergo several design reviews and design a printed circuit board for a prototype system.

同类产品: EE 4211 属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程 限制: 仅限计算机工程专业. 非入学学生不包括在内. 先决条件: (EE 3280: C-或更高 或CPE 3280: C-或更高) 和(EE 3730): C-或更高 或EGR 3810: C-或更高) 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 4212: 计算机工程 Senior Design II (3)


Continued study of mixed digital and analog system design, including embedded software design. Student teams continue to implement and refine the prototype hardware and software designs from EE/CPE 4211. Teams write detailed technical reports and submit their designs to design reviews. Periodic progress reports and team presentations are required.

同类产品: EE 4212 属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程 限制: 仅限计算机工程专业. 非入学学生不包括在内. 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 4350:高级操作系统(3)


Introduces the major functions of operating systems. Covers processes and concurrency; concurrent programming; resource allocation, contention and control; scheduling, 内存管理, 以及设备管理.

同类产品: CSC 4350 属性: 上部分 先决条件: (CSC 3350: C-或更高 或CPE 3350: C-或更高)

CPE 4750:计算机网络(5)


推荐前提条件:CSC 2431. Studies concepts and terminology of computer networks, equipment, and protocols. 通常提供:每隔一年,春季.

同类产品: CSC 4750 属性: 上部分 先决条件: (CSC 3750: D或更高 或CSC 3760: D或更高 或EE 3760: D或更高 或CPE 3760: D或更高) 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 4760: Advanced Computer Architecture (5)


推荐前提条件:CSC 2431. Studies the architecture of multiprocessor, pipelined, and parallel computers. Emphasis is placed on principles of instruction level parallelism, 多核处理, 分布式计算.

同类产品: CSC 4760 属性: 上部分 先决条件: (CSC 3750: C-或更高 或CSC 3760: C-或更高 或EE 3760: C-或更高 或CPE 3760: C-或更高) 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 4899: 计算机工程 Capstone and Senior Design (3)


In this capstone course designs from EE 4212 are developed into a manufacturing prototype and tested. Covers testing methodology (hardware and software), debugging and documentation methodology. 团队编写详细的技术文档. Periodic progress reports and final presentations are required. 包括工程专业的学习, 写反思性回应, and preparation of a portfolio of major projects students have 完成了.

同类产品: EE 4899 属性: 高年级,写作“W”课程 限制: 仅限计算机工程专业. 非入学学生不包括在内. 先决条件: CPE 4212: C-或更高 OR EE 4212: C-或更高 或EGR 4812: C-或更高 费用: 工程材料费(可退还)

CPE 4900: 独立学习 in 计算机工程 (1-5)


Independent study and research in an advanced computer engineering topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

属性: 上部分 先决条件: CPE 3760: B-或更好 或CSC 3760: B-或更好 OR EE 3760: B-或更高

CPE 4960: Senior Project in 计算机工程 (1-5)


Independent project and research in an advanced computer engineering topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

属性: 上部分 限制: 仅限计算机工程专业. 先决条件: CPE 3760: B-或更好 或CSC 3760: B-或更好 OR EE 3760: B-或更高

CPE 4970: Directed Research in 计算机工程 (2-5)


The student will conduct research based on a proposal prepared prior to registering for this course. Results of the research will be prepared for presentation at undergraduate or professional symposia. 可以重复修满8个学分吗.

属性: 上部分 限制: 仅限计算机工程专业. 大一、大二学生不包括在内. 先决条件: CPE 3760: B-或更好