
经济学 is the allocation of resources among competing uses. You will study many vital issues that affect human welfare in the 经济学 主要 at SPU, with emphasis on a Christian perspective on society’s decisions about how to organize the production and distribution of goods and services. The 经济学 主要 presents the study of economics as one of the social sciences.

Find out more about this program’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.


You will study many vital issues that affect human welfare in the 经济学 主要 at SPU, which emphasizes a Christian perspective on society’s decisions about how to organize the production and distribution of goods and services.

  • A minimum 65 credits are required for this 主要, including 38 upper-division credits.
  • 你可以选择一般的轨道, or you may choose one of three concentration options by completing 15 elective credits within that particular discipline.
  • You must meet the 主要 requirements in effect at the time of your admittance to the 主要
  • You must have a minimum of 35 credit hours 在SPU的专业.
  • The program is structured to provide the widest latitude for you to select elective courses that will develop your economic interests, and you may choose a concentration option within the economics 主要.

Additional Competencies and Requirements

Spreadsheet Competency Requirement

Demonstration of spreadsheet competency is required of all students graduating with a Business, 会计, or 经济学 degree. You can document this by passing BUS 1700 or by passing a competency exam covering the equivalent. For questions regarding the Spreadsheets Competency Requirement, contact Dr. 手法在 sl8@caloteiro.net.


Newly admitted students of Business, 会计, 经济学, and Global Development are required to attend an orientation event typically held in February each year. Admission to the 主要 is conditional upon attendance.


你是必需的 to make 正式的 application and be admitted to the 经济学 主要 prior to enrollment in most upper-division courses. Admission is selective and based upon your prior academic performance. 你可能 在线申请 annually only between December 20–January 20. SBGE does not accept applications outside this window.

To meet the minimum requirements for admission to the 主要, you must:

  • Have attained at least sophomore standing (45+大学学分).
  • Complete at least 15 credits in BUS, ACCT, and ECN at SPU  (10 credits for transfer juniors and seniors).
  • 要么是2.累积平均分70分,2分.70磅/分, OR, 3分.0磅/分. Attainment of the minimum GPA standards does not guarantee admission as the total number of students admitted is limited by capacity.
  • 提交 an application December 20-January 20.


A minor in 经济学 is a great compliment to the 政治科学 主要. It is also advantageous for those preparing for law school.

  • A minimum of 30 credits are required for this minor, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • 你必须正式 申请本辅修, 最小累积值为2.9 GPA 至少45分钟 quarter credits of coursework, as well as be 正式的ly admitted to your primary 主要.



A minor in 经济学 can be a valuable addition to a 主要 such as 政治科学, or if you are preparing for law school. These requirements also satisfy the requirements for a teaching endorsement in 经济学.

  • A minimum of 30 credits are required for this minor, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.9 至少45分钟 quarter credits of coursework is required.
  • Requirements for the minor in 经济学 include ECN 2101的20学分核心, ECN 2102, 汽车4899年, ecn3101或ecn3102, followed by 10 elective credits in ECN or other approved coursework.
  • 你是必需的 做… 正式的 正式申请此辅修, which you may do at any time during the year.



建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.


View complete descriptions of the 经济学 主要 and minor, and see how a degree in 经济学 can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.